Results for 'Dr Gopakumar V.'

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  1.  3
    Factors Ascendant Consumer’s Impression Towards Purchase Decision on Social Media.V. Dr Anitha, A. R. Dr Krishnan, Dr Kalaivani, V. Dr Suganya & P. Dr Marish Kumar - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:262-275.
    The Internet has expanded marketing communication channels beyond traditional print, electronic, and transportation media to include social media in cyberspace. Social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Google, and Twitter have recently become increasingly popular. Last three decades. Social media is a popular mode of communication for people from every stage of life, offering a variety of formats including images, videos, jokes, and peer comments. Social media platforms influence how buyers perceive a merchant's goods or services. Social networking is increasingly used (...)
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    Bhakti Marga of Sant Kabir.Dr B. V. S. Bhanusree - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 45:57-64.
    Bhakti marga is one of the three important paths of attaining spiritual advancement. The concept is as old as Vedas, developed and elaborated periodically and gradually. In the medieval India ‘Bhakti’ was spread all over the country through Sant Kabir. This paper aims at describing the concept of Bhakti according to Sant Kabir. The essence of Bhakti is love; the best and appropriate method to unite man with God. It is very subtle in nature. Inculcating love in one’s own heart (...)
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    Navigating the Complexities of Domain Specific English: Analyzing the Influence of Digital Media on the Metacognitive and Linguistic Competence of Management Students.Dr Shagufta Parween, V. Temuzion Kumuja, M. D. Roshan Jameer & Anuradha Duvvuri - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture.
    In an increasingly digital world, the role of digital media in shaping the linguistic and metacognitive abilities of management students has become a focal point for academic inquiry. This study aims to explore the influence of digital media on the development of domain-specific English skills among management students, with a particular focus on metacognitive and linguistic competencies. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the research examines how exposure to and engagement with digital content tailored to the management domain impacts students' ability to (...)
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  4. Why Do Institutions Revert? Institutional Elasticity and Petroleum Sector Reforms in India.Abhoy K. Ojha, K. V. Gopakumar & Kshitij Awasthi - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (1):81-116.
    The institutional change literature has predominantly focused on successful changes and sparsely on failed changes, but the idea of institutional fields reverting to their pre-change or near pre-change state, after change attempts, remains underexplored. Although recent studies have explored similar phenomenon from the perspective of actors resisting change and trying to restore status quo, a field-level understanding of the processes and the dynamics associated with it remains underexamined. The present study, using the case of reforms in the field of petroleum (...)
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    The use of genetic test information in insurance: The argument from indistinguishability reconsidered. [REVIEW]Dr V. Launis - 2000 - Science and Engineering Ethics 6 (3):299-310.
    In the bioethical literature, discrimination in insurance on the basis of genetic risk factors detected by genetic testing has been defended and opposed on various ethical grounds. One important argument in favour of the practice is offered by those who believe that it is not possible to distinguish between genetic and non-genetic information, at least not for practical policy purposes such as insurance decision-making. According to the argument from indistinguishability, the use of genetic test information for insurance purposes should be (...)
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    Analysing the Influence of Organizational Culture on Supply Chain Outcomes: Structural Model Analysis.Dinesh Goyal, Dr Yashesh Zaveri, Varun Ojha, Dr Urvashi Thakur, Kajal Chheda, Tannmay Gupta & V. Pushparajesh - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:833-843.
    Employee behavior, decision-making, and cooperation across the supply chain network are all greatly influenced by organizational culture (OC). In supply chain outcomes (SCO), an understanding of the effect promotes efficiency overall, improves coordination, and maximizes performance. The structural equation modeling (SEM) technique was initially applied to experimentally analyze data from a survey of 85 enterprises using a quantitative approach. The relationships between cultures such as OC, market culture (MC), clan culture (CC), Hierarchy culture (HC), Professional culture (PC), Adhocracy culture (AC), (...)
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    Examining the Impact of Young People's Involvement in Cultural Heritage Preservation and Promotion.Ankita Singh, Dr Poonam Singh, Vivek Saraswat, V. Pushparajesh, Shitij Goyal, Dr Bijal Zaveri & B. Reddy - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:924-934.
    Culture is vital in preserving history and continuity of traditions, and that is why cultural practices should be protected and supported. It is important to understand young people's participation in these activities first because they are the key to sustaining the efforts in the future. This study examines the impact of young people's involvement in cultural heritage (CH) through four key variables, knowledge (KNW), engagement in activities (EIA), interest in participation (IIP), and impact perception (IP). The data were administered through (...)
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    Vorläufige Untersuchungen über die Psychologie des Gebets.Dr A. Canesi-Mailand & G. V. Glasenapp - 1936 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 6 (1):13-72.
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    Vorläufige Untersuchungen über die Psychologie des Gebets.Dr A. Canesi-Mailand & G. V. Glasenapp-Dorpat - 1971 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 10 (1):13-72.
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    Correspondence.Carl Rosenkranz, C. L. Michelet, E. V. Hartmann, J. H. Stirling & Dr Vera - 1872 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 6 (2):175-184.
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    Tattvānusandhānam: edited with English translation. Mahādevānandasarasvatī, R. Sankari, T. V. Vasudeva & Dr K. Srinivasan - 2008 - Chennai: Kuppuswami Sastri Research Institute. Edited by R. Sankari, T. V. Vasudeva & K. Srinivasan.
    On Advaita philosophy; Sanskrit text with commentary and translation.
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    Boekbesprekingen.P. C. Beentjes, Marc Schneiders, J. Lambrecht, Wim Weren, Bart J. Koet, M. J. J. Menken, J. C. Delbeek, G. Rouwhorst, Jacques van Ruiten, Ulrich Hemel, W. G. Tillmans, Ad V. D. Helm, Ad van der Helm, Drs J. L. M. Vis, A. van de Pavert, H. J. Adriaanse, A. A. Derksen, Freda Dröes & Joh G. Hahn - 1990 - Bijdragen 51 (3):324-343.
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  13. Dr. Franz v. P. Morgott als Thomist. Ein Beitrag zur Theologiegeschichte des XIX. Jahrhunderts.Martin Grabmann - 1901 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 15:46.
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    Newman's Psychological Discovery: The Illative Sense.O. F. M. Dr Zeno - 1950 - Franciscan Studies 10 (4):418-440.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:NEWMAN'S PSYCHOLOGICAL DISCOVERY: THE ILLATIVE SENSE (V. Continued) 15. The Universals. A long and vehement dispute once raged about the reality of universals. Are they only mental creations, forged by the human brain, without any reality outside them, or have they some independent existence apart from their mental reality? Anyhow, there was an apparent contradiction between die universal character of our ideas and the individual character of concrete things. (...)
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  15. Aphorismes th-eologiques du Dr "Ernest Henke".V. R. H. - 1879 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 12 (4):368.
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    A V conferência de aparecida E a tradição da igreja latino-americana: Avançar ou retroceder.Prof Dr Fr Lisaneos Prates - 2007 - Revista de Teologia 1 (1):5-22.
    A V Conferência de Aparecida é um momento eclesial marcante no caminhar da Igreja na América Latina no horizonte do eixo Medellín-Puebla-Santo Domingo, por ser estas as três Conferências do Celam que marcaram o período pós-conciliar na tentativa de aplicar a renovação proposta pelo Concílio Vaticano II no contexto eclesial latino-americano. A nossa reflexão quer ter presente a memória histórica da Igreja latino-americana como referencial para uma leitura, compreensão e interpretação das propostas do Documento de Participação. A chave de leitura (...)
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  17. La clôture du canon de l'Ancien Testament, d'après le Dr H. GRAETZ.V. H. V. H. - 1872 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 5 (4):628.
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    Gedächtnis-Enhancement. Wie erstrebenswert wäre ein grenzenloses Gedächtnis?Dr Phil Joachim Boldt & Uta Bittner - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (4):315-328.
    Gedächtnis-Enhancement oder Memory-Enhancement ist ein Teilbereich der verschiedenen Ansätze zur pharmakologischen und technischen Verbesserung menschlicher Leistungsfähigkeit. Wie Erfahrungsberichte von Menschen mit von Natur aus gesteigertem Erinnerungsvermögen zeigen, ist eine Steigerung der Gedächtnisfähigkeit prinzipiell möglich. Allerdings verweisen diese Erfahrungen auch auf einige Komplikationen und Beschwernisse infolge dieser gesteigerten Leistungsfähigkeit. Es wird argumentiert, dass erstens diejenigen philosophischen Theorien, die die Funktion des Gedächtnisses v. a. in der Speicherung von Informationen lokalisieren, einige dieser Probleme nicht antizipieren und nur unzulänglich erklären können. Zweitens wird (...)
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    Dr. Binnie Dunlop.C. V. Drysdale - 1946 - The Eugenics Review 38 (3):146.
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  20. Dr. John Radcliffe and his Trust.I. Guest & A. V. Simcock - 1994 - Annals of Science 51 (5):548-548.
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    Dr. Siddheshwar Varma Felicitation Volume, Being a Collection of Papers Presented to Him on His 90th BirthdayBibliography of the Writings of Siddheshwar VarmaPāṇini and Elision Being an Analytical Study of Pāṇini's Sūtras on Lopa (Elision) in SanskritPanini and Elision Being an Analytical Study of Panini's Sutras on Lopa (Elision) in Sanskrit.Ludwik Sternbach, K. V. Sarma, Siddheshwar Varma, Pāṇini & Panini - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (4):483.
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    Aëtiana: Set of Volumes I-V.David Runia & Prof Dr Jaap Mansfeld - 2020 - BRILL.
    A new reconstruction and text of the _Placita_ of Aëtius (ca. 50 CE), accompanied by a full commentary and an extensive collection of related texts. This is the five-volume set of studies on Aëtius (1996–2020) and uses an innovative methodology to replace the seminal edition of Hermann Diels (1879).
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    V. —assimilation and association. (I.).Dr James Ward - 1893 - Mind 2 (7):347-362.
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  24. Arkivyskupo prof. dr. Mečislovo Reinio darbai Lietuvos psichologijos baruose.S. Gudelis & V. Karvelis - 1996 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 10:38-50.
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  25. ‘Quine’s Meaning Nihilism: Revisiting Naturalism and Confirmation Method,’.Dr Sanjit Chakraborty - 2017 - Philosophical Readings (3):222-229.
    The paper concentrates on an appreciation of W.V. Quine’s thought on meaning and how it escalates beyond the meaning holism and confirmation holism, thereby paving the way for a ‘meaning nihilism’ and ‘confirmation rejectionism’. My effort would be to see that how could the acceptance of radical naturalism in Quine’s theory of meaning escorts him to the indeterminacy thesis of meaning. There is an interesting shift from epistemology to language as Quine considers that a person who is aware of linguistic (...)
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    When Informal Logic Met Critical Thinking.Dr Ralph H. Johnson - 2012 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 27 (3):5-14.
    In this reflection piece, Ralph Johnson provides an account of the development of informal logic and how it intersected with the Critical Thinking Movement. Section I is an account of the origins of what Johnson calls the “Informal Logic Initiative.” Section II discusses how the Informal Logic Initiative connected with the Critical Thinking Movement at the Sonoma State University Conferences starting in 1981. Section III discusses the relationship between logic and critical thinking. Section IV describes “The Network Problem,” which emerged (...)
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  27. A Letter To Dr. T. Münz.V. Gluchman - 2003 - Filozofia 58:284-287.
    It is a book review of Teodor Munz's book Listy filozofom [Letters to the Philosophers].
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  28. Dr Schweitzer: A Re-Assessment'.C. V. M. Gell - forthcoming - Hibbert Journal.
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    Pessimismus und weltflucht bei Platon. By Dr Gustav Entz. 8vo. 1 vol. Pp. 191. Tübingen : J. C. B. Mohr, 1911. M. 5.Marie V. Williams - 1914 - The Classical Review 28 (08):282-.
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  30. "Variété." - Le Moïse égyptien, d'après le Dr Lauth.H. V. J. - 1880 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 13 (6):569.
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  31. Uchilishteto--most kŭm bŭdeshteto: sbornik statii po sluchaĭ 70-godishninata ot rozhdenieto na dr. Todor Zhivkov.Todor Zhivkov, V. Markova, T. Vladimirova & St Daskalova (eds.) - 1981 - Sofii︠a︡: Nauchnoizsledovatelski in-t po obshto obrazovanie "T. Samodumov,".
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    Irreführende Leitbilder.Pd Dr Günter Feuerstein, Regine Kollek, Mechtild Schmedders & Jan van Aken - 2003 - Ethik in der Medizin 15 (2):77-86.
    Die prospektive Analyse der ethischen Implikationen medizinisch-technischer Innovationen läuft immer auch Gefahr, sich in den Wunschbildern von Marketingexperten zu verfangen. Vor diesem Hintergrund könnte es durchaus nützlich sein, die Erkenntnisse der Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung zur Genese und Entwicklung neuer Techniken auszuschöpfen. Dies erscheint gerade auch für die ins Phantastische weisende Zukunft der Individualisierung medikamentöser Therapie, wie man ihr häufig in der Beschreibung pharmakogenetischer Behandlungskonzepte begegnet, angebracht. Techniken, die sich noch im Entwicklungsstadium befinden und deren breite Anwendung noch einige Jahre auf (...)
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    Architecture as Multimedia. Jean Nouvel, the DR Concert Hall, and the Gesamtkunstwerk.Anders V. Munch - 2009 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 20 (36-37).
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    Dr. Drysdale replies.C. V. Drysdale - 1929 - The Eugenics Review 20 (4):303.
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    A igreja latino-americana depois de aparecida.Prof Dr Côn. Antonio Manzatto - 2007 - Revista de Teologia 1 (1):23-30.
    O texto procura refletir, de maneira prospectiva, sobre a contribuição que a Conferência de Aparecida poderá dar à igreja universal, e em especial para o continente latino-americano. Diagnostica linhas de continuidade com a prática atual da igreja e enumera esperanças das comunidades eclesiais com relação à V Conferência.
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  36. Book Review The Journal of Oriental Research, Madras, 2010-2012 edited by Dr V Kameswari, Dr K S Balasubramanian, and Dr T V Vasudeva.Swami Narasimhananda - 2014 - Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India 119 (8):504.
    The Journal of Oriental Research was started in 1927 by Prof. S Kuppuswami Sastri, who was also the founder of the Kuppuswami Sastri Research Institute. Originally an annual journal, its regularity has been disturbed due to financial difficulties. Th e present issue comprises volumes eighty-three to eighty-four and has been funded by the Dr V Raghavan Memorial Endowment.
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    Index to Vol. V.Lord Abercromby, H. D. Acland, Sir Wrd Adkins, Sir T. Clifford Allbutt, Dr O. Almgren & M. C. Andrews - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman (ed.), The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 337.
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    Charakteristik der lateinischen Sprache. Gymnasial-Professor Dr F. Oskar Von Weise. Dritte Auflage. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1905. Small 8vo. Pp. vi + 190. M. 2.80. [REVIEW]Edward V. Arnold - 1907 - The Classical Review 21 (05):155-.
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    Becoming Nonviolent Peacemakers: A Virtue Ethic for Catholic Social Teaching and US Policy by Eli Sasaran McCarthy.Marc V. Rugani - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 37 (2):204-205.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Becoming Nonviolent Peacemakers: A Virtue Ethic for Catholic Social Teaching and US Policy by Eli Sasaran McCarthyMarc V. RuganiBecoming Nonviolent Peacemakers: A Virtue Ethic for Catholic Social Teaching and US Policy Eli Sasaran McCarthy EUGENE, OR: PICKWICK PUBLICATIONS, 2011. XVII 1 259 PP. $32.00Contemporary US political discourse is generally couched in the language of rule-based rights analysis or utilitarian calculus, both of which limit the imagination of decision-makers (...)
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    Diálogo, entendimento E compreensão. Conferência de aparecida E o diálogo inter-religioso.Prof Dr Pedro K. Iwashita - 2009 - Revista de Teologia 4.
    Este artigo analisa a situação de diversidade de religiões em que o mundo se encontra hoje, e o caminho que a Igreja encontrou para o diálogo, a partir do impulso dado pelo Vaticano II, e agora assumido também pela V Conferência Geral do Episcopado Latino-Americano e do Caribe, realizada em Aparecida.
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    Playing the Race Game: A Response to Thandeka’s “Whites: Made in America”.V. Denise James - 2018 - The Pluralist 13 (1):51-58.
    It is rare that I both disagree so thoroughly with the first few lines of a talk or article and still find it compelling and timely. Reverend Dr. Thandeka's "Whites Made in America: Advancing American Philosophers' Discourse on Race" is one such paper. She begins, "'Racism" and 'white privilege' have outlived their usefulness as concepts and judgements. Neither term explains what's going on in America today".Like many, Thandeka marks the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States as (...)
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    Inhabiting the earth: Heidegger, environmental ethics, and the metaphysics of nature.Bruce V. Foltz (ed.) - 1995 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
    In Inhabiting the Earth Foltz undertakes the first sustained analysis of how Heidegger's thought can contribute to environmental ethics and to the more broadly conceived field of environmental philosophy. Through a comprehensive study of the status of "nature" and related concepts such as "earth" in the thought of Martin Heidegger, Foltz attempts to show how Heidegger's understanding of the natural environment and our relation to it offer a more promising basis for environmental philosophy than others that have so far been (...)
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    Science and Civilization in China, Vol. 2, History of Scientific Thought. [REVIEW]C. C. V. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (2):366-367.
    The second installment of Dr. Needham's epic venture into the intellectual history of ancient and medieval China. The work's general emphasis is upon science and technology; the present volume expounds the teachings of the main philosophical systems and schools--Confucianism, Taoism, Mohism, etc.--and describes their bearing upon the scientific thinking of their times. The detail with which these accounts are carried out is staggering, yet the narrative line remains clear. The work's scope, too, is incredible, as Dr. Needham delves fully into (...)
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  44. Gramsci's Political Thought: Hegemony, Consciousness, and the Revolutionary Process.Joseph V. Femia - 1981 - Clarendon Press.
    The unifying idea of Gramsci's famous Prison Notebooks is the concept of hegemony. In his study of these fragmentary writings, now published in paperback for the first time, Dr Femia elucidates the precise character of this concept, explores its basic philosophical assumptions, and sets out its implications for Gramsci's explanation of social stability and his vision of the revolutionary process. A number of prevalent and often contradictory myths are demolished, and, moreover, certain neglected aspects of his thought are stressed, including (...)
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    Closing the Gaps in Pediatric HIV/AIDS Care, One Step at a Time.Lisa V. Adams, Helga Naburi, Goodluck Lyatuu, Paul Palumbo & C. Fordham von Reyn - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (2):75-78.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Closing the Gaps in Pediatric HIV/AIDS Care, One Step at a TimeLisa V. Adams, Helga Naburi, Goodluck Lyatuu, Paul Palumbo, and C. Fordham von ReynFatuma's* doctors were completely perplexed. It was 2003 and she had returned to the DARDAR clinic in her hometown of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania three times that week with vague complaints of various pains and aches. Her doctors were considering whether these symptoms were due (...)
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    ""Ch 'an/Zen-Catholic Dialogue Spreads a" Welcome Table" at the 2009 Annual Meeting.Francis V. Tiso - 2009 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 29:145-146.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ch'an/Zen-Catholic Dialogue Spreads a "Welcome Table" at the 2009 Annual MeetingFrancis V. TisoA retreat program designed by the participants in the ongoing Ch'an/Zen-Catholic Dialogue explored the dialogue of religious experience and the dialogue of life, set amid the redwoods of Guerneville, California. The 28–31 January 2009 meeting was cochaired by the Rev. Heng Sure of the Berkeley Buddhist Monastery and the Institute for World Religions, Berkeley, California, and by (...)
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    Willful Death and Painful Decisions: A Failed Assisted Suicide.Kenneth V. Iserson, Dorothy Rasinski Gregory, Kate Christensen & Marc R. Ofstein - 1992 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 1 (2):147.
    The patient was a woman in her 30s who, until the rapid progression of an ultimately fatal neurologic disease, had been a very successful professional, enjoying athletics and an active social life. In the 6 months of swift deterioration, she had gone from being extremely vibrant and energetic to being totally unable to care for her personal needs. There had been no loss of intellectual capacity. Her sister later recounted to Dr. J., the emergency department physician, that she had found (...)
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    A busca pela verdade no crátilo: Naturalismo E convencionalismo na concepção platônica.Rogério Santos dos Prazeres, Me José Moacir de Aquino & Dr Heitor Romero Marques - 2013 - Revista de Teologia 7 (11):99-107.
    Este texto trata de um clássico da filosofia platônica, o Crátilo. Redigido em forma de diálogo, característico do estilo platônico de escrita, nele está distinta a supervenção de uma das grandes temáticas da filosofia contemporânea, isto é, a linguagem, em que se traz à tona a discussão sobre a adequação de um nome a um objeto, também conhecido coma a justeza do nome à coisa. Figuram-se como questões centrais as teses do naturalismo e convencionalismo, que estruturam o que se entende (...)
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    Tafeln für Sonne, Planeten und Mond nebst Tafeln der Mondphasen für die Zeit 4000 vor Chr. bis 3000 nach Chr. Dr Paul V. Neugebauer. Pp. xxx. + 117. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1914. M. 7; bound, M. 8. [REVIEW]A. S. Eddington - 1914 - The Classical Review 28 (05):179-.
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    The Philosophical Age Almanac. Issue 36. The Northern Lights: Facets of the Enlightenment Culture.Tatʹjana V. Artemʹeva, Mikhail Igorevich Mikeshin & Vesa Oittinen (eds.) - 2010 - Helsinki: St. Petersburg Center for the History of Ideas.
    The Aleksanteri Institute of the University of Helsinki organized in 25–26 of September 2009 a special symposium Northern Lights — Facets of Enlightenment Culture with the aim to discuss form of Enlightenment thought in Sweden/Finland and Russia. The symposium, which was opened by Prof. Emeritus Matti Klinge, a renowned historian of 18th- and 19th-century Finland, had four participants from Russia, five from Finland and one from Germany; thus, it was yet a quite small event, but we hope that with it (...)
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